Research, Development and Innovation
We are open to new partnerships focused on cooperation in solving research projects. We provide services with high added value, and in the development of high-quality custom software, there was and is a need to focus on new trends and advanced procedures. In 2015, cooperation with various partners, including scientific organizations, resulted in obtaining a Certificate of Ability to Conduct Research and Development, issued by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic. Allow us to present the projects in which our company has participated.
The project “Innovated SW tool of cyber security against security incidents in the network operation of civil aviation” is co-financed by the European Union.
Recipient: Beset, spol. with r. about.
Place of implementation: Banská Bystrica, Košice, Michalovce
Co-investigator: Syteli s.r.o., TUKE Faculty of Aviation
Project description:
The goal of the project is to process the design of an innovative SW tool for network analysis in the specific operation of air traffic services, to increase the quality and safety of services, within the framework of innovation support through technological and applied research of cyber, physical and object security of civil aviation information networks against security incidents.
Non-refundable financial contribution: €761,796.80
Information on the Operational program Integrated infrastructure 2014-2020 can be found at
The project “Electronic methods of detecting unusual business operations in the business environment” is co-financed by the European Union.
Recipient: Beset, spol. with r. about.
Place of implementation: Bratislava, Jelenia 18
Co-investigator: FIIT STU
Project description:
The project deals with the processing and analysis of data originating from business transactions. It focuses on the analysis of economic relations between entities – transfers of funds, business relations, but also ordinary offer advertisements. Its goal is the design of a modular application that will simplify the analysis of transaction data for the purpose of searching and identifying suspicious operations.
Due to the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, which allow very easy masking of suspicious transactions, the project also focuses on this area. Despite the fact that due to the nature of cryptocurrencies it is almost impossible to identify the parties involved, as part of the project solution, we will try to design and implement tools that will simplify and make transparent the tracing of transactions and enable the identification of suspicious ones. The current volume of data in the blockchain, for example for Bitcoin, is in the order of hundreds of GB, so we assume the use of tools for processing large volumes of data (so-called BigData technologies).
Transactions can be mathematically modeled as a graded oriented graph, on which, in addition to standard search algorithms, more sophisticated algorithms can be applied, the goal of which can be cluster analysis (for example, for the purpose of identifying groups of entities that carry out the analyzed types of transactions more often among themselves). In addition to applications from graph theory, various statistical approaches can also be applied in this issue.
The goal of the project will be the verification and implementation of various approaches to the analysis of data originating from various types of transactions between entities. We also want to verify these procedures on transactions where the customer is not known. In this group we can include, for example, ordinary citizen advertising, where the supplier (advertiser) can be identified, for example, only by phone number, or by email.
With large volumes of analyzed data, in addition to the analyses, presenting the results in a clear and easy-to-read form to the user is also problematic. Part of the project solution will also be the selection and implementation of suitable graphic tools presenting the results of individual types of analysis to users.
Non-refundable financial contribution: €995,028.74
Information on the operational program Integrated infrastructure 2014-2020 can be found at
Research of advanced information technological tools and procedures in the field of modern statistical methods, econometric tools and models with the objective of researching and understanding the behavior of tax subjects (project acronym: AV TaxBench)
Project solution period: December 13 2018 – November 30 2021
Project WEB site:
The aim of the AV TaxBench project is the evaluation of Slovak business entities based on the so-called benchmarks – which are statistically calculated values, representing the lower and upper limits of the expected “normal” values of the given indicator for the given type of enterprise in the given region. Possible deviations from such a standard signal deficiencies in accounting, or in the management of the company itself. By pointing out these deviations, the project aims to motivate subjects to adjust their economic behavior towards the norm, or to analyze why their parameters do not reach the parameters of similar enterprises. Last but not least, such deviations can signal the possibility of tax evasion.
The project was implemented in the years 2018 – 2021. The research dealt with the selection and analysis of modern statistical methods for determining benchmarks (tolerance intervals) of selected 23 financial indicators and the outlier index. The application part of the project solution dealt with the implementation of selected methods in the form of a comprehensive and functional system, the task of which is the automated updating of annual financial statement data, the implementation of the necessary statistical calculations and the presentation of results to users in a clear form in the form of graphs and tables.
The web application together with the description of the project is freely available at In the first step, the user can select the companies he or she is interested in and view the development of benchmarks and the difference index for the selected companies in individual parts of the application. As an option, we offer the creation of a user account, which has the advantages that the set of selected companies is not limited, one of them can be marked as your own company, and the selection of companies is saved on the server, so the user has them available even after connecting from another computer, or in a mobile application. In addition, the website also contains information about the project, allows downloading complete datasets for further research, and contains a technical description of the interface, thanks to which another system can access the calculated data, either for the purposes of further research or for their direct use.
The mobile application is available for the Android system and provides similar functionality to the web application.
Industrial research project of a new generation modular reconfigurable production system using Smart Industry principles (project acronym: AV Mosaic)
Project solution period: Decmeber 13 2018 – November 30 2021
The company Beset s.r.o., as a co-researcher of the AV Mosaic project, had the task of designing a complex software solution to support the system for ensuring efficient production in accordance with the new trends of Industry 4.0. The aim of the proposal was to combine the latest technologies in the field of information technology, networks, robotics, and automation and thus create a unified whole, capable of flexibly responding to the needs of production.
The CPS (Cyber Physical System) system is a complex information and control system implementing management, communication, and calculations at a high expert level, thus ensuring a highly efficient, flexible and productive production process of the entire production unit. The task was the design of the CPS system from the point of view of the current possibilities of its technical solution, its cooperation with the MPS system, with existing enterprise systems, to design an interface for users, the connection of CPS with the field level based on the OPC standard, and to design an application environment for other functionalities and services.
We designed the overall software architecture of the solution using modern technologies. The task of the application server is to connect other parts of the entire system, manage them, communicate with them, provide, and receive data from them. To shorten the implementation time, we used an approach based on the automatic generation of the source code from the data model. Its main advantage is easy maintenance of data model changes and simplification of code change management related to data model changes during development.
The production line is controlled by the CPS module itself. Its task is to communicate with the application server and at the same time using the OPC client with the OPC server, which can directly send commands to the devices, monitor their status and the individual indicators they provide. From the existing implementations of this protocol, we used the library open62541 (C language) and FreeOpcUA/opcua-asyncio (Python language). We have chosen the FreeOpcUA library as suitable for the needs of the opcua-asyncio project, with the help of which it is possible to implement a graphical web application in Python, which would serve as a user interface for the control and configuration of the CPS module. For testing purposes, we used the freely available UaExpert application to browse individual nodes of the OPC Server. In addition, we used the modeling tool from the company Unified Automation UaModeler, which offers the possibility of graphical design of the address space, adding nodes, references, methods. The proposed CPS system can be expanded in the future and adapted based on specific use. In the proposal, we outlined the main tasks of the CPS system, while the supporting theme of the proposal is the OPC UA protocol, which had to be studied and tested on simple examples, but which can be easily expanded and adapted to a more complex real situation.
The output of our part of the project solution is the design and framework implementation of the CPS module, including the design of its integration with the existing in-house system. We have reviewed the available solutions ensuring communication between the line devices and the software solution. We chose a suitable, functional, and maintained solution for communication based on the OPC protocol and with its use we implemented the functional basis of the CPS system, which can be further adapted to a specific application in a specific company.
Research and Innovation Operation Programme
Research and Innovation operation programme represents the complementary form of Lisbon Strategy for Slovakia aiming to assist in the balanced development of research in the individual regions of the Slovak Republic and to improve the conditions for the implementation of national and international projects. Its objective is to improve knowledge and innovation for growth, in particular to increase and improve the investments in research and technical development and to make the innovation easier via the combination of scientific sphere and the application of research and development results in practice. At the international level, these are the programmes such as HORIZON 2020, EUROSTARS, Eureka, etc. focused on more efficient international cooperation of SMEs and the growth of research and development in the EU.
A specific objective is the modernisation and improvement of the technical infrastructure of research and development with the aim to improve the capacity of research and development institutes to efficiently cooperate with research institutes in the EU and abroad, as well as with the subjects from social and economic practice through knowledge and technology transfer.
What we are Working on
Nowadays, we participate in the research project named the „Project of Industrial Research of Technology of Autonomous Production Cycle in accordance with Industry 4.0 Concept“ with an intention to contribute to the establishment of new concepts, such as Internet of Objects and Industry 4.0, in the environment of production companies by means of scientific and subsequently also business activity of investigating companies. The implementation space is geographically aligned with the Danubian region boundaries, while it will contribute to the basic objective of the Danubian strategy with its contents and outputs as well.
The project of applied research AV-Sfactory aims to build the complex system of tools, concepts and methods with a great implementation potential in industrial production enterprises.
We do not want to develop a particular solution for a particular real business opportunity. With our research, we want rather to support the establishment of absolutely new system of work, methods and technological procedures and tools that shall facilitate the implementation of a great objective – the new technical revolution, the revolution of stage 4. The revolution in the sense of technological progress, in the sense of production shift, the change in acquisition and satisfaction of the needs of a modern man in accord with both the opportunities and intrigues of present time and future challenges.
We want to support research and development of procedures and technologies that shall consider the needs of society in a broad-spectrum and complex manner, not only from the point of view of the essence and purpose of the product itself, but also in accord with economic, environmental, social and legislative requirements of a modern society.